Sunday, October 21, 2007

Benefits of Leisure Activities for Managing Stress

While most of us do not consciously think about the benefits of leisure activities for managing stress while we are engaged in an activity, listing the benefits will assist you in choosing meaningful and satisfying activities.

Think about activities you enjoy for the following situations:

* A leisure activity I do TO RELAX

* A leisure activity I do TO SOCIALIZE

* A leisure activity I do TO BE PHYSICALLY FIT

* A leisure activity I do TO BE MENTALLY STIMULATED

* A leisure activity I do TO COMPETE

* A leisure activity I do TO BE CREATIVE

* A leisure activity I do TO BE ALONE

* A leisure activity I do TO LEARN SOMETHING NEW

* A leisure activity I do TO HELP OTHERS

* A leisure activity I do THAT HELPS ME SPIRITUALLY

* A leisure activity I do AS A SPECTATOR

* A leisure activity I do FOR ACCOMPLISHMENT

Engaging in leisure activities can make an important contribution to your physical and mental well-being and major stress management technique!

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